The materials included on this website, including the Literature/Reference Material (e.g., technical bulletins, application guides, manuals, and reference materials), have been prepared by Gentex Corporation ("Gentex") for informational purposes only, are necessarily summary, and are not purported to serve as legal advice and should not be used as such. Gentex makes no representations and warranties, express or implied, that these materials are complete and accurate, up-to-date, or in compliance with all relevant local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and rules. The materials do not address all legal considerations as there is inevitable uncertainty regarding interpretation of laws, regulations, and rules and the application of such laws, regulations, and rules to particular fact patterns. Each person's activities can differently affect the obligations that exist under applicable laws, regulations, or rules. Therefore, these materials should be used only for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional legal advice. Gentex will not be responsible for any action or failure to act in reliance upon the information contained in this web site.